Questions and answers
Can I build custom UI?
Q: Ezri Harmusial
What your Building is Awesome!
Ive been looking around for Youtube content to explore GunDB and its possibilities. There is not much on YT to learn from until I found your video. You really have a comprehensive collection of example ideas that Show the Power of GunDB. Your work here demonstrates very well how Versatile gunDB is One literally is limited only by your tech knowledge and imagination to make it real.
I am a Web/App developer myself with most of my experience in Svelte. Lately I'm diving into Astro (Vite) for highly efficient static websites. I have been looking at GUN as the go to solution to add a Social Dimension to Static Websites. Your docs is a very great example of that.
I would really like to make use of the tools you have built. But As i design my own Apps and UI's i would like to at minimum Style them to fit my own UI Needs. or even best to extract the Functional code from the UI to Implement in Svelte or Plain HTML + CSS + JS
i just discovered you, so I am new to Gun, GunVue and have only a little experience with View. As a developer that wants to build my own UI/UX's based on your functional code, where would you advise me to start?
Thank you in advance
A: Davay
Hey! Thanks for your feedback! You get the idea right. GUN is a wonderful piece of math and science actually! Having these infinite graphs of hashed, signed and encrypted data are a whole experience to live through. It's the feeling of a common space, where there's a room for everyone. And we already have those unlimited nested rooms in Gun-Vue.
I even had a break with GUN for a couple of months after a year of tinkering with it. It was very fun, yet not stable enough for production. So any code built with GUN seemed to be working only half the times. And my journey for a more reliable web ended similar to yours - at Static Site Generation. I tried Hugo, 11ty, Next, Nuxt, Grav and some others, but my heart is with Vitepress, that's just about to release the majestic v.1.0. And I'm already implementing it for the Gun-Vue docs. So yeah, I stick to Vue ecosystem and I find it the best from many standpoints. Yet, you don't need all the layers, that's the main idea of the composability.
So, for your project you can use just the Composables - the functions that return the Vue reactive primitives which can be utilized in any custom UI context. So I recommend starting from this page and looking through all the composables available. I'll be expanding the docs just soon.
In Astro you can have any framework as a component language. And Vue reactivity system can be used just by itself. It's lightweight and robust.
After a couple of months Mark Nadal and other GUN collaborators got some fixes to GUN code and the reliability was just there! That ignited the Gun-Vue project to evolve that far already. But you should be awarel that decentralized web experience is not the same as with regular centralized servers. The p2p nature is in the real-time connections between peers. And yes, combining both Static Websites and P2P components seems like the best of all these realms. Glad to hear these ideas from you!
So keep learning and start with small prototypes first. And let's see where the road goes. 😃
Why Pug?
Are you using PUG due to having previous experience with the nodejs express jade/pug type of building? Or for other specific reasons?
I'd love to just get back to using that stack but I'm forcing myself to use react and I feel my development is soooooo slow now because I've built lots of stuff years ago with basic js, jquery, nodejs, express, jade/pug
I'm using PUG because I got sick moving closing HTML tags when building interfaces. And with the Windi utility classes it gets like 2x more dense template code to write and maintain. Profit ) P.S. JSX is a mess )
haha! dude I've been feeling the same way, I've been trying to love getting into JSX but I'm having so much mental friction that i'm stalling myself from making any progress at all. And I've heard other developers say you don't need to learn the trendy stacks, just build with what works that you know already. I guess I just was thinking writing in react would make websites easier to sell off later, or I could get a job down the road if needed (which is a growing possibility).
Just want to get back to launching money making apps asap and really want to dive into the P2P decentralized model!
Thanks so much my friend!!!