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Gun DB + Vue UI composables collection

A Composition API use functions set for Gun.js and Vue 3 reactivity system

@gun-vue composables logo

It's just the beginning and not all the functions are reliably implemented yet. So you're welcome to collaborate on existing and new features of the library.

  • User - the gun.user() system management
  • Account - user profile interface
  • Color - the color-hash interface to generate colors for hashes and pubs
  • Crypto - the main cryptographic primitives like e2e encrypted messaging and more
  • Date Tree - the very performant concept of Date Tree graphs from gun-util made reactive and easy to use
  • File - some bindings to manage file uploads and downloads
  • Hash - everything you need to hash data and work with the hashes in a reliable way (i.e. URL-safe conversion)
  • Mouse - some basic bindings to reliably locate mouse pointer in an SVG - may be useful for many online games
  • Password - some elaborations on reimagining password system in a p2p graph environment
  • Relay - Gun relay peer connection monitoring
  • Room - private signed collaborative spaces with a certificate system for access management. (TBD)
  • Space - a simple demo of showing working with private user data in a shared space
  • Posts - hashed immutable data in the root of the db as a fun experiment, but with deep observations about freedom of speach and ways to explore the vastness of the public graph space available with Gun
  • Chat - basic public chat
  • Rooms - cryptographic data collections
  • Dictionary - we find ourselves in great power if we have verified concepts to collaborate with

... and more!

And there's more!


How to use

  1. Install the library:
npm i @gun-vue/composables
  1. Import any of the functions you need:
import { useAccount } from "@gun-vue/composables";
  1. Instantiate the function inside your Vue SFC
const { account, auth, leave } = useAccount();
  1. Use the reactive state in your template to drive the component:
<div v-for="(data,field) in account.profile" :key="field">
	{{ field }} - {{ data }}

SSG environment notice (Nuxt, Vitepress etc.)

Gun-Vue is client-side only and it may throw errors being executed during the SSG/SSR build process. One way to deal with it is to make the your GUN-enabled components asynchronous.

1. Make your component async

<script setup async>
	const { useAccount } = await import("@gun-vue/composables");

	const { account } = useAccount();

	<div>{{ account.profile?.name }}</div>

2. Put it to load only on client side.

		<YourComponent />

This should prevent any Gun-Vue related code from running during build stage.

  • [ ] Refactor the code to be more useable and tree-shakeable in SSG environment. Help needed!